
Book details:

Paperback • 64 pages • 6 in x 7 in
ISBN  9780985977320
Publication Date: 01/05/2013


Sam Haskins Attorney

Poems 1970-1980
by Sam Haskins

By "getting it out and writing it down," Sam Haskins paid attention to a turbulent personal and professional life through poetry. Songwriters were an obvious influence—Dylan, John Prine, Randy Newman, Joni Mitchell—but Haskins found his own voice in a series of poems that seem as if they were written just yesterday. Unpretenious but aware, lively and thoughtful, Haskins's poems work as a social document of a specific time and place, and as pure literary expressions.

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About the Author:

Sam Haskins was born in Hollywood, CA, in 1934 and grew up in Southern California. He graduated from UCLA in 1959—breaking his undergrad years with a 2-year stint in the Army where he began writing poems. He married in 1961 and moved to San Francisco to attend Hastings Law School, graduating in 1966. READ MORE…