48 Hours To Resurrection

Q: Is immediacy* a populist instinct and does it have political implications?

A: All is speculation. We live in a paradise of salt mines.

Q: If it’s a Whitman’s Sampler** of a world and we have the world to ourselves, must we also share the world with others, some who are to our liking and some who are not?

A: It’s possible I suppose that there can be a real dialog between the question and the answer.

Q: Do you enjoy turning the light on and turning the light off, equally?

A: Yes, I do have two hands but only need one of them to perform the chore adequately.

Q: Do you think it might be fun to get a small group of like-minded people together and talk about Jesus?

A: I think it’s probable that we might all end up sitting around a table making fun of Christianity and Christians.

*Immediacy: Or the Style of Too Late Capitalism by Anna Kornbluh, Verso Books, 2024.

**Whitman’s Sampler, chocolate maker since 1842.

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